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Scoping review: theoretical framework and methodological notes

Jan Chrastina
Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education 


CHRASTINA, J. Scoping review: theoretical framework and methodological notes. In Ošetrovateľstvo: teória, výskum, vzdelávanie [online], 2019, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 56-61. Available on:

Background: Scoping reviews (ScoRev) have a dominant position in nursing and healthcare research. Both ScoRev and systematic review (SysRev) have methodological frameworks that have both common and different processing steps. Since ScoRev is considered to be a precursor for SysRev, both types need to be viewed by the researcher's synchronous optics and understand the requirements for these types of work.

Aim: To define and describe the methodological framework of scoping review processing and point out the matches and differences in scoping review and systematic review.

Results: The paper described the framework for processing ScoRev and defining the basic differences between ScoRev and SysRev. ScoRev and SysRev processing procedures are described in detail – terminological chaos, however, appears in the titles of published ScoRev studies, either confusing with SysRev or incorrectly combining these two separate types of review approaches.

Conclusion: in nursing research, in the context of ScoRev, it is necessary to maintain the terminological clarity and precision for ScoRev processing. As a suitable format for the ScoRev titles is recommended "Specific title, description of the phenomenon studied and definition of relationship/purpose, benefit: scoping review".

Key words: scoping review, scoping study, scoping review/study terminology and methodology, systematic synthesis

Full text (Slovak language)


Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Chrastina, Ph.D.

Ústav speciálněpedagogických studií PF UP
Žižkovo náměstí 5
771 40 OLOMOUC
Česká republika

Received: 18th October 2019
Accepted: 13th November 2019