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Assessing the clarity and readability of knowledge questionnaire for patients with diabetes mellitus

Kristýna Šoukalová*, Martin Prázný**, Petra Mandysová*, Barbora Doležalová***,****
University of Pardubice, Faculty of Health Studies, Department of nursing
Charles University and General Facultyy Hospital, 1st Faculty of Medicine, 3rd Internal Clinic in Prague
University of Pardubice, Faculty of Health Studies, Department of Clinical Subspecialities
IDE CR s. r. o.


ŠOUKALOVÁ, K. – PRÁZNÝ, M. – MANDYSOVÁ, P. – DOLEŽALOVÁ, B.  Assessing the clarity and readability of knowledge questionnaire for patients with diabetes mellitus. In Ošetrovateľstvo: teória, výskum, vzdelávanie [online], 2018, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 26-31. Available on:

Aim: The Aim of the work was to evaluate the clarity and readability of newly created knowledge questionnaire for patients with diabetes mellitus. The evaluation of clarity and readability was carried out as a part of the dissertation thesis within the frame of the questionnaire.

Methodology: A pre-research to verify the clarity of newly created questionnaire was conducted on a sample of 41 people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). The evaluation of the questionnaire on the spelling and stylistic aspects was carried out by two experts on the Czech language. The readability of the questionnaire text was evaluated using Mistrik’s formula, with two independent persons.

Results: Based on completed questionnaires and item comments submitted by the respondents, 3 items for general part, 1 item for type 1 diabetes and 1 item for type 2 diabetes were modified. Additionally, 1 identification question was modified. The complete readability of all items in questionnaire was calculated at 38.47 points.

Conclusion: The assessment of clarity and readability is one of the very important steps in the creation of measuring instruments. For all the items in the questionnaire, their clarity was evaluated using feedback from respondents and some minor adjustments were made. The questionnaire text can be interpreted as easy to understand.

Keywords: questionnaire, diabetes mellitus, knowledge, clarity, readability, evaluation

Full text (Slovak language)


Mgr. Kristýna Šoukalová
Katedra ošetřovatelství, FZS UP
Průmyslová 395
532 10 Pardubice
Česká republika

Received: 8th April 2018
Accepted: 11th May 2018