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The quality of nursing diagnosis used in clinical practice

Eva Mynaříková*, Katarína Žiaková**
* University Hospital Ostrava, Department of Nursing Care
** Comenius University in Bratislava, Jessenius Medical Faculty in Martin, Department of Nursing


MYNAŘÍKOVÁ, E. – ŽIAKOVÁ, K. The quality of nursing diagnosis used in clinical practice. In Ošetrovateľstvo: teória, výskum, vzdelávanie [online], 2015, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 56-60. Available on:

Aim: The aim was to identify the most common problems in formulating a diagnostic conclusion, including the identification of diagnostic elements of NANDA International. Determine the soundness of the diagnostic conclusion of the relevant data or evaluation instruments.

Methodology: On the collection of empirical data has been used a modified assessment tool Quality of Nursing Diagnosis (QOD). Modified QOD tool consists of four sections divided into 12 dichotomous criteria for assessing diafnosticthe structure (S) and relevance (R). Four components reflect the P-E-S structure with an additional fourth general component. For each criterion is met monitored nursing diagnosis was assigned one point. Totals may vary from 1 to 12 points. A higher score means a higher quality set of nursing diagnoses.

Sample: The study used a closed medical records of patients hospitalized at the University Hospital Ostrava, in the period from January 2013 to June 2014 the number 240th. From FN Ostrava has been used the medical records of 40 from six departments; Clinic of Neurosurgery, Traumatology Centre, Clinic of Surgery, Clinic of Oncology, Cardiovascular Department and Clinic of Internal Medicine.

Results: Total found 1696 diagnostic conclusions. In relation to type with 50 nursing diagnoses; 33 actual and 17 potential. Using instrument QOD were identified 1489 mistakes. Mistakes relating to the relevance prevailed over mistakes in structure.

Conclusion: Most mistakes occurred in the field of well founded diagnoses by assessment instruments, to identify the related factors and the wrong formulation of diagnostic conclusions.

Keywords: nursing diagnosis, quality, clinical practice, QOD

Full text (slovak language)


Mgr. Eva Mynaříková
Úsek ošetřovatelské péče, FN Otrava
17. listopadu 1790
708 52 Ostrava Poruba
Česká republika

Received: 29th July 2015
 8th September 2015