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Compliance of patients with skin disease

Slávka Mrosková*, Viera Konečná**, Ľubomíra Lizáková*
University of Prešov, Faculty of health care disciplines, Department of Nursing
** JA Reiman Faculty Hospital in Prešov, Department of Dermatovenereology


MROSKOVÁ, S. – KONEČNÁ, V. – LIZÁKOVÁ, L. Compliance of patients with skin disease. In Ošetrovateľstvo: teória, výskum, vzdelávanie [online], 2015, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 50-55. Available on:

Aim: Assess the level of compliance of patients with skin disease and the impact of various factors on it.

Methods: We have considered compliance in three areas – medication, topical skin care, compliance to the diet – using modified variety of scale to Morisky. At the same time, we analyzed the impact of socio-demographic factors and disease factors to measure compliance. The results were statistically processed using the Mann - Whitney test/Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlation coefficient.

Sample: Do the research were included 74 patients hospitalized at the department dermatovenerology with psoriasis vulgaris, atopic / seborrheic dermatitis. The mean disease duration was 14.70 years (±12.21).

Results: Compliance in skin care stood at 3.19 (±1.15, can range: 1-5), taking drugs 3.72 (±1.27) and compliance to the diet 2.76 (±1.34). We found that increasing the quality of the doctor – patient and nurse – patient compliance significantly increases the compliance to the diet (r = 0.307), in the treatment of skin (r = 0.327), taking (r = 0.379). The increasing intensity of pain / itch significantly increased compliance in taking medication (r = 0.266) and diet (r = 0.201). We identified a significant negative correlation between the financial demands of treating skin and compliance in skin care (r = -0.265). Respondents living in the city have higher compliance in compliance to the diet (p = 0.022) and skin care (p = 0.008) in comparation with respondents from the village.

Conclusion: Knowledge of the factors affecting compliance of patients with skin disease allows the development of specific approaches in the care of patients in order to reinforce compliance. The quality of the interaction physician – patient, nurse – patient appears to be an important modifiable determinant.

Keywords: compliance in medication, compliance in topical skin care, compliance in the diet, dermatitis

Full text (slovak language)


PhDr. Slávka Mrosková, PhD.
Katedra ošetrovateľstva, FZO PU
Partizánska 1
080 01 Prešov

Received: 17th June 2015
 26th August 2015