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Effect of glycemic control on diabetic retinopathy in the case of persons with diabetes mellitus type 2.

Mária Šupínová, Anna Šichtová
Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, Faculty of public health in Banská Bystrica


ŠUPÍNOVÁ, M. – ŠICHTOVÁ, A. Effect of glycemic control on diabetic retinopathy in the case of persons with diabetes mellitus type 2. In Ošetrovateľstvo: teória, výskum, vzdelávanie [online], 2012, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 125-130. Available on:

Aim: The aim of the article was to find out mutual dependency between infringement of therapeutical policies and appearance of diabetic retinopathy among a patient with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2T). It focuses on importance of adherence of therapeutical policies of DM2T, in connection with precaution of diabetic retinopathy (DR) as one of the chronical complications of diabetes.

Method and sample: On achieving the target of retrospective study, the method of statistical analysis of biochemical glycaemia, glycocol hemoglobin and saccharorrhoea results were used, within the period of six years in 100 respondents dispensaried in a diabetic ambulance. Respondents of group A were patients without diabetic rethinopathie, respondents of group B were patients with diagnosed diabetic rethinopathie, violating the principles regime therapy of diabetes.

Results: With relative comparison of results in two groups of patients and by statistical calculation, high dependency of uprise of DR from levels of glycaemia was discovered. In the group of patients with diagnosed diabetic retinopathie, in monitored period of time it caused frequent swinging, or appearance of hyperglycemia as a result of often infrigement of therapeutic treatment.

Conclusions: Results of study confirmed significant share of adherence of regime therapy in precaution of uprise of diabetic retinopathie. In the end of article the authors emphasize importance of effective education in improvement of observation policies of diabetes therapy to patients.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus type 2, retinopathy, precaution, glycaemia, education

Full text (slovak language)


PhDr. Mária Šupínová, PhD.
FZ SZU so sídlom v Banskej Bystrici
Sládkovičova 21
984 01 Banská Bystrica
Slovenská republika

Received: 7th June 2012
20th September 2012